The leading team

The Children’s Home employs a professional and skilled multidisciplinary team that aims to meet all of the children’s needs. Administrative, maintenance and household operators who ensure the Home’s meticulous upkeep work alongside specialists of various fields, including: psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, therapists, teachers, instructors and national service girls. Together, they invest their heart and soul, implementing innovative methods for nurturing the children.

Yehuda Kohn

The father of the children's home

Beni Suleiman

Vice Director, Academic Coordinator

Yossi Dinerstein

Vice Director and Stability Coordinator

Ricky Kohn

Head Housemother

Shachar Bar Sharoni

Head of the Therapeutic Team

Avia Rosenwasser

Head of the Educational Team

Miriam Feinberg

Head of Community Relations

Sarah Packer

Director of US Communications

Debby Karnei Rem

School connections coordinator