
Thank you for your donation in advance

AII donations to the Bet Elazraki Children's Home Association
are recognized for tax purposes under section 46 of the lncome Tax Ordinance.
Registered Association Number: 580017952

Donate by phone

Please call


Donate by Jgive

Credit Card Donation

This contribution is recognized for receiving a tax refund

in lsrael (Article 46), USA (501(c)(3)) Canada and England.

Donate via Check by Mail

A check can be made out to: Bet Saba Elazraki and mailed to the following address:

Rabbi Tarfon Street 7 Netanya, lsrael 4244807

Bank Transfer

Transfer to Mizrahi Bank (20) Branch: 422

Account number: 312013

Swift code- MIZBILIT



Account Name: Bet Elazraki

Round Up

When signing up with “Round Up”

with every purchase חס your credit card, the amount will be rounded to the nearest shekel and the agurot will be donated to Bet Elazraki.

For example: lf you buy an item for

78.60 NIS, you will pay 79 NIS and donate 40 agurot.